Whispering trees

I knew the forecast was for heavy rain. The wind was gusting yet all I could hear was a gentle swish. Not the grass whispering but the trees swaying. The garden is surrounded and in some places covered by tall mature trees. They seemed to form an insulating arc around us and the wind sang me a lullaby. Higher up though it must have been rougher. I woke suddenly hearing a rending noise and I feared the worst. Our first real blow and a tree down?

Morning light fed me the comfort of seeing all the soldiers on parade. None had fallen. As the rain fizzled out I walked into the copse and saw a large branch hanging precariously over the boundary fence. I had heard the crackle of the snap and I didn’t want it to pop. I called Davies the Tree and to my amazement he drove down the driveway in less than 5 minutes. Just around the corner, he said, so I thought I’d run round and take a look.

It has to come down he said but it isn’t urgent. It won’t fall today and it is not endangering anybody unless they stand directly underneath. That would probably be you, he added rather needlessly. It is scheduled for treatment on the 18th. An hour later he sent me a text message. What I had heard was indeed trees coming down. They were in the wood behind our next door neighbour but one.  So maybe my branch was already snapped. Still, it will be dealt with.

Since then the weather has gradually improved and the moth trap was in Goldilocks territory last night. Not too full and not too empty. I added 5 species to the garden list. As I walked back to the house at 4.55am I noticed that the Yellow Iris, Iris pseudacorus, had started to open. My day was full as always but as the sun started to drift lower in the sky, filtered to a dapple by the whispering trees, I took a few photos. And here for the sake of good order, is one of them. My garden advisor had thought they were blind, so late they were. All’s well that ends well however and the trees smiled down with me as we celebrated the pond’s first flag.Yellow Flag

22 thoughts on “Whispering trees

  1. The best is yet to come. Keep a look out for the seed pods of the Yellow Iris they are big and spectacular. The Only Yellow Flags that we have here are in the middle of our largest pond and I just can’t get close to them.

  2. Irises truly are my favourite flower. Sadly they don’t grow well in our sandy soil. Happy to hear your trees are all safe – a little mild pruning now and again does no harm. Lovely descriptions of the wind.

  3. It’s supposed to summer at your end, Andrew! We’re having really cold weather, too — but it’s winter in Tassie 😐

    Like you, I’m not a fan of high winds — you have all my sympathy!

  4. I still have my chainsaw, just in case! Love the yellow Irish. Boy, a good frost here this morning. The birdbath frozen solid. Getting ready for a 10 day to Ubud Bali. Stay well Andrew. Lovely writing.

    • Thanks Gerard. I am sure Bali will treat you well and will be enjoyable if you steer clear of the overly touristy places. Think like a local.

  5. Flag Day. I like the name flag. Good name for a flower. Very little I don’t like about it. Glad the trees stayed up (dodgy branch excepted!)

  6. At our cottage we are surrounded by an Aspen Poplar wood – these trees grow fast – but snap all too easily. We are always on the look out for signs of weakness – often caused by Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers (guess the are cowardly) drilling lines of holes in the trunk.

    We have had one come down on the roof – but luckily did no real damage.

    We too find ourselves in the centre of seeming calm during windy weather. We can hear the swish of the trees and crash of the waves on the lake half a mile away. It’s a wonderful way to spend time just listening.

    Very nice capture of the Iris.

    • Good to know you suffered only limited damage Rod. I do worry about it but I think probably the trees will outlast me!

  7. Nothing better than trees making sounds in the wind but of course not the sound of a limb breaking. The yellow iris photo is a really good one I think you did an excellent job

  8. A favourite of mine, the yellow flag.
    The sound of crashing lumber is terrifying, even from the safety of your room. A neighbour lost an 80 year old oak last year. All of the surrounding households heard the noise and knew a tree came down. He, on the other hand, poked his head out the front door and thought, “Huh. A car accident. Must be in the next block.”

    • I don’t know how old our trees are but as we adjoin an ancient woodland I suspect many are old and vulnerable. I think I would know if one of my trees actually came down and I would be pretty worried.

  9. Such a lovely little iris. Nicely done on this portrait, Andrew.

    I am glad you lost no trees and it is possible that the branch was already or on its way to needing removal.

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