26 thoughts on “Life and death

  1. Nice contrasting elements between the two images. Looks like the light was coming through the green leaf. I like the subtle patterns of the brown one.

  2. Oooh, those are good, really, really good. I love them both. The green is so vivid and fresh and the brown leafs markings so intricate. Isn’t nature the business?!

  3. Agreed. But, Andrew – that green ! I have never seen a leaf that colour. Have you been playing around with one of those post-production softwares …?!

  4. Wow! Both are appealing to me as well. I have well and truly had enough of Ga humidity, bring on lovely autumn colors and temperatures.

  5. Me too, when it is a leaf as you have gorgeously shown here. Not so much when it is an ecosystem, which is on my mind these days.
    One of my favorite things is the way big prairie plants look at the end of the season, when the leaves brown and twist into interesting shapes.

    • Thanks. We don’t really get much of the fall colours that others see in more temperate climates. So I look for details that stand out – the odd red leaf, browns on greens, things I would otherwise walk by were it not for the camera, my third eye.

  6. Great shots.. there are a lot of possibilities with both of these with all the patterns and different tones going on. I’ve been playing around with black and white photos and I would have to think both of these would make strong candidates for something like that. Keep up the awesome work!

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