Peek a boo

Mrs. Ha is spending another day and night in the hospital. I went in at 7.30am to take a few bits and pieces. Later I will go again with a change of clothes. We are hoping for time off for good behaviour.

Of course that meant an early wake up call and I noticed the sky looked promising. Not the deep splashes of vermillion ketchup that have graced the horizon recently. This was altogether a more subtle, gentle, pastel pink. The salmon rising. So Lulu had to wait and I stepped out with the Leica M and hazarded a few frames. See what you think.


Salmon Rise

Low Horizon



Time Out

Apologies for the time out but both Mrs. Ha and I have been in hospital. Different hospitals, different days. Adds to the spice of life. I had some unfortunate side effects from my AF meds and ended up in the hospital at 2am. Mrs. Ha has a nasty bout of influenza A and is still in The Sanatorium. I have nominally been in charge for about 3 days so not much has been done. It has been a tad stressful. Not to mention that my only attempt at a post has been irretrievably lost by WP. Gone, and never called me mother.

The only image I could think of to go with doctor and patients has to be……


Nurse…………. the screens! Its amazing what you see at the Hong Kong 7s. She seems to have collected rather a lot of stethoscopes. I knew I should have gone to med school.