So its goodnight from me

I started blogging in 2011. I dipped my toe in gently as I approached early retirement. I had no idea what I would write about but I knew it would involve photographs. Several times I have contemplated stopping. It is time consuming. Yet it is also a way of getting down on ‘paper’ my thoughts and feelings. I regard it as developmental. I never realised I would come across so many interesting, fun, reflective, talented and encouraging people. I try not to worry about statistics but there is an inner desire to know that there is somebody out there.

This graph is how my annual views have grown:

Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 15.59.37

I’ll settle for that. The year end review also sorts out the good from the drivel. There is a lot of drivel for each good post but it seems this was my top non-technical one from 2014.

Colour – by day and by night

Newer readers may want to have a look.

It was also a challenging year as you know. I was slowing down literally and tipped over in October. This forced my hand and I duly had my heart fixed. So far, so good. Reading, writing, a little work, they all helped keep me sane as I grew more and more frustrated. 2015 will also be a huge challenge as we relocate our life across to Britain. Blogging will doubtless be sporadic and occasional until we are settled.

I thought about the images I enjoyed making most in 2015 and as my parting shot for the year, here they are. My top ten. Like the BBC, 9/10 repeats. I can’t think why the first one made the cut.Vietato L'ingresso






Raspberry Ripple

Raspberry Ripple

Brown Shrike

Brown Shrike


Shirley in the breeze





Not quite but almost

This is nothing like Not only but also. It is Pete without Dud. What I mean is I hope to do a final New Year’s Eve post before 2014 is signed off. So it is almost farewell to 2014. First the shots from today’s walk. No macro lens but with a tripod this time. Once again it was a walk without a bird photo. I did see a very fine bird indeed – a male White-rumped Shama – but it is not a HK bird. It will either have escaped from a cage or be a temple release so not tickable. Plastic.

The trees though were not escapes. At least not today. The first shot was, I thought until a couple of years ago, a lichen or moss. Then I was told it is an alga, Trentepohlia if I recall correctly. The only Alga I knew before that was a chum of Biggles and Ginger.Trentepohlia alga

Shadow play

Shadow on Tree


Leaf contrast

I am looking this one up – should not be difficult but perhaps an itinerant botanist might save me the trouble. I am suggesting Sarcandra glabra. If correct this is an important medicinal plant in TCM.BerriesIf I fail to deliver on my final post then I offer you now as a just in case a heartfelt thank you for your company in 2014 and I wish you health and happiness in 2015.

The ascent of Everest

A month ago that was how it felt climbing the hill behind the house. Today I walked up without a problem. I decided to walk light – just my binoculars round my neck and the 180 macro lens on my trusty 5D3. I took some decent enough idea shots but the lens was a bit heavy to hand hold so most of the photos were deleted because there was slight motion blur (user error) or lacked the DoF I wanted.

I was happy to see Asian Stubtail, twice! Not rare but secretive, I picked them out on call. Too far for the 180 lens. I also saw a flock of 5 Hwamei and some Black-throated Laughingthrushes. The Yellow-browed Warblers were still flitting in the tree canopies but still no Bluetails or Robins. So I contented myself with trying to paint with light:Tree
