18 thoughts on “Allez France?

  1. I got a kick out of the first photo. Cute stance and that expression seems to be devilish and “I am a man of the world.” The next one he is being a sweet little boy. What a contrast in poses and demeanor. Excellent captures.

      • Oh, yeah, the one *Kansas State* won! Ha. The stupid orange one strikes again. Or had you heard how our fearless leader praised the wrong state for the win? Did you watch it?

      • Me neither. I wish I could avoid it but I’m afraid football is a big deal in my home. Oh well, the season is over and we’ve moved on. The orange one congratulated the wrong state for winning. About par for the course with him and now he’s been exonerated by the Senate. I greatly fear that democracy is dead in the US. I’m applying for a passport…

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